Baby Skin, Adult Irritated, Eczema, Psoriasis, Palmoplantar pustulosis, dry or raw skin will love this soothing and nourishing luxurious shea butter loaded with oat extract, oat milky tops, and organic oat oil.
Babies to adults, This is a LOVED product at SkinFoodFix
Available in a 8 oz plastic BPA Free round jar
Soothe and calm your skin with nourishing oat extract and its amazing nutrients and vitamins. Oats soothe, relieve itching, and calm the body and mind. This is the healing moisture balm your skin has been waiting for.
Oats and oat Oil are loaded with ceramides and Silica! Together they fix your skin and seal it with luscious hydration and silkiness from the silica.
You will see tiny brown golden flecks all through this product because that is the OATS! showing they are in there in abundance. We use 3 parts of Oat Plant,1 part Oil from the seed of oats, 2 parts Milky Tops, and 3 parts extract from leaves
Scent? All natural and smells like Oatmeal with a hint of sweetness from the amazing Nilotica Shea Butter. You can eat this, but don't because it is for your body skin and Calendula does not taste great
Texture? - Like a stick of butter feels that is in the refrigerator. As soon as it touches the skin it melts and floods skin with moisture and protection along with soothing comfort
How to use: HEAD TO TOE! On clean skin, apply it several times a day. Dab on, massage in well, it will penetrate in a few minutes. Apply it to the scalp and leave on then shampoo out. Apply to any part of the body including genitalia if needed. Try it in a shower for intense hydration and moisture by washing, then rubbing the Butter into problem spots. Continue to shower and do not rinse it off. Towel off gently allowing some to stay on the skin.
Ingredients: Organic Fair Trade Nilotica Shea Butter, Organic Oat Oil, Oat Straw Extract, Oat Powder, Organic Calendula Oil
Who needs it? Any skin type from baby to adult. Great for Psoriasis, Plaque Psoriasis, Eczema, Rosacea, DRY Skin
Did you know? 50% of human skin is composed of ceramides. Oat Oil is the only carrier oil with a high level of ceramides, as well it has an extreme moisturizing vitamin E content. Ceramides are a long chain of lipid molecules that are praised for their moisture-retention capabilities. This Oat Oil and oat extracts along with the Nilotica Shea will have an oily feeling and then it is easily absorbed into the skin.
Oat oil's fatty acid composition includes over 35% omega fatty acids. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic (18:1) and linoleic acid (18:2). Additionally, this oil is a noteworthy source of anti-oxidants and glycolipids
Locks in moisture levels by forming a physical barrier to epidermal water loss, preventing further drying. This works where other creams have failed. Dry cracked red raw hands or feet, this is the remedy!
I am not making medical claims or promising a cure. I realize that you make the choice to try products based on your own research sometimes and I offer them to you in the way that I describe.